to The Eye of the Artist, the fine art website of John Azelvandre. Here you’ll find news, information and imagery relating to John’s creative activities and ideas. Use the navigation at the top or click here for more about the artist, here for recent and ongoing projects, and here for current news and ideas (the blog).
From the Artist:
Artmaking has been an important part of my identity since an early age. After studying music and engineering at the Ohio State University, I came to New York to work in the music industry. Drawn to environmental activism, I then spent many years studying the philosophical foundations of ecological thought and education. Following these studies, I’ve been active in the visual arts for over 20 years, focusing primarily on painting, printmaking and photography. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, my work investigates psychosocial and spiritual connections with landscapes and organic forms. This art explores relationships between the self and its environment.

Occasionally, in fits and starts, I tinker with my online presence. Everything is impermanent, technology even more so! I’m also using Adobe Portfolio for web presentation, and you can see the current state of that here. Or visit my root website (recently updated), here, or linked on the navigation at top. You can contact me through Adobe Portfolio, linked at top.
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